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Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Now I'm no expert, but I'm willing to bet that Hurries T. Snigger, Upchucks P. Knowing and Hurrying E. Crossbones aren't actually real people...


betsie said...

And they keep on coming: Lordly D. Tinctured, Unfrequented C. Dampens, Droopier K. Prone, Wattled E. Moonlights, and my own personal favourite, Gorgeously U. Panama, all want to sell me mis-spelled medication. How very kind of them...
I'm going to overlook the reality of a random name generating spamming program, and instead imagine an elderly man, seated on an uncomfortable wooden chair with only the flicker of a candle for light, straining his failing eyesight as he pours over a huge dictionary seeking out interesting word combinations for his employer - all for the princely sum of two pennies a week and a flagon of ale. Poor Ebeneezer, he should have retired years ago, but Euphemia is unwell, and they need the extra money...

betsie said...

The latest batch:
Cromwellian A. Unemployable; Alphanumerics J. Flabbiness; Doughtiest A. Mittens; Ewing J. Squeegeed; Destroying V. Opaquely; Blinder O. Grappling; Unborn V. Pallbearer; Indelicacy J. Shipmate; Clodding B. Handyman; Deadpan B. Cagier; Retracting T. Leniently.

It's pure poetry...