I'm in trouble.
After 11 years or so, on and off, the moment has finally come: I'm bored of the internet.
Help! I still log on of an eve (well, the computer is handily placed in the living room, and it looks so sad when it's switched off), but nothing seems to hold my attention for long. I'm sick of my usual haunts, and too uninspired to think of any new ones. Reader, I need your help!
There must be some sites out there I'm missing: something funny, smart, unusual, creative, stupid, entertaining - hell, I'll even settle for intellectually stimulating if I must...
Give me some suggestions, please, oh kind people, or I may be forced to come up with something equally thrilling to match yesterday's entertainment in Betsie's World - defrosting the freezer. My, that was fun (handy tip folks, why wait for ice to melt when you have a hairdryer and a knife?).
So please, save me from housework, and give me links to keep me sane, and, more importantly, online...
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