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Friday, August 19, 2005

Back from the dead

So my computer decided to crash again this week. One hard drive reformat later, and I'm back, back, back! Though not necessarily for long: the old dear is on her last legs (yes, I'm still talking about the computer), and is liable to give up the ghost completely any time now. Hardy surprising really, I am after all at the cutting edge of technology here, with my 32MB RAM and 2GB drive. I'm like a supermarket checkout girl with only an abacus to count on. It's a miracle I'm even online to be frank.

I'm due an upgrade shortly, but it's a slightly complicated process, due to the Betsie Clan's Technology Hand-me-down Scheme. Here's how it works: my brother buys some nice shiny new piece of equipment; he gives his previous version to my mum; I then acquire her, by now outdated, stuff. So, at a rough estimate, at any given time I'm about five years behind the latest trends. I wonder if that qualifies as retro chic? If not, then I could always unleash the ancient Mac lurking in the loft, from the Time Before CD-ROM. Unfortunately the betamax video didn't make it into the new century, or I really could be living in a timewarp (well, more than normal anyway...)

This time there's going to be a slight break with family tradition, as I've got a lovely new hard drive sitting awaiting the (taking too long for my liking) swap-over moment. Oh the excitement! Now if I only lived somewhere I could actually get that fancy broadbean thingamajig, I'd be the happiest little bunny on the planet...

Addendum 1
Attention sign writers of the western world - putting "Polite Notice" at the start of your terse request does not in fact make it so. Try using "please" or "thank you" instead, it's so much nicer.

Addendum 2
My candidate for the least arousing word in the English dictionary - slurp. Yeuch.

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