- "Jesus Saves" type billboards. There have been a spate of these around town in recent months, some with a positively apocalyptic tone (accept before it's too late, that kind of thing). They all seem to be funded by some evangelical group, and I'm willing to bet they're baptists. Now I've nothing against their beliefs, I'm perfectly willing to let them think what they want to think, but it's a bit rich when they feel the need to try to convert everyone else to their way of life. Before you know it, they'll be spreading propaganda in schools, with book titles like "Janet and John are Saved from Damnation by Faith in Our Holy Lord". Their unnatural practices will be promoted to our youngsters as being somehow normal, as if their perverted ideas were somehow "acceptable" or "natural". Must we throw this filth at our kids? I think I might start a million pound campaign to defend decent society from them: now if only I were a wealthy public transport company owner thus providing me with the resources to fund it...
- The phrase "in terms of". I'm not sure why this annoys me so much, but ever since I first noticed its irritant value several months ago, I've been hearing it everywhere. Listen out yourself, you'll see what I mean - everyone is using it. Well, everyone except me, that is. I don't remember this phrase being used nearly so much in the past, maybe it's one of these new-fangled business-speak things which has crossed over into general use. If so, I do wish it would vanish again, it's really getting on my nerves.
- Negative politicking. My pointless, never to be fulfilled wish for the last week of campaigning in the UK General Election - that the two main parties would tell us about the good things they would do in government, rather than concentrating on why the other party (and the leader in particular) is the antichrist. This is approximately how it goes: the Labour Party:- "Ooh, you can't trust that Michael Howard, he's a bit shifty looking you know"; the Tory Party:- "Ooh, you can't trust that Tony Blair, he's a liar and a cheat you know"; which leads to: everyone else in the country:- "Ooh, isn't that Charles Kennedy a nice man? Not like those other two nasty chaps." Party politics, you gotta love it.
*this is a blatant lie
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