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Friday, May 27, 2005

Big Brother 6! I'm so excited!!

I can barely wait for 9pm this evening, when Big Brother 6 starts on Channel 4. I'm a self-confessed addict - there's just something about it that draws you in, and you find yourself watching hours on end of other people sleeping...

Naturally, there's a multitude of related websites out there, but there's only really two that the discerning fan needs to bother with:

BB Gossip, the very best BB site currently in existence. The front page collects together all the day's news stories and press speculation. The running commentary gives live updates from the house round the clock, and wise, witty, informative and thought-provoking comment comes courtesy of some of the nicest people on the whole darn interweb;

The Digital Spy forum is a good source for gossip and insider information, but unfortunately it doesn't take very long each year before it descends into factionalism (in BB4 it was the chosen home of the Jon Tickle fanatics) and name-calling. As an added "bonus", the featured ex-housemate columnist this year is screeching annoyathon, Marco Sabba. I hope his written thoughts consist of a little more than seal-clapping, "oh my god!" every five minutes, and demonstrating the famous "dance of disrespect".

BB6 will have to be quite something to outdo it's immediate predecessor, but I have my fingers crossed that it'll be another reality TV classic.

Two hours to go!

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