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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Me and my bright ideas...

Dubya is wittering away about something or other on the TV. The cat is chasing invisible mice in the hall. And I'm at a bit of a loss.

There's a workman coming round at eight in the morning, so rather than - gasp! - get up early, I decided the smart (!) thing to do was sleep in late today then stay up.


I'm a lazy sod at the best of times, but I doubt anyone manages to feel productive at 3am. There's a huge pile of ironing I could easily make a start at if I felt so inclined. I could watch one of the Christmas pressie DVDs I haven't looked at yet. I could even read a book. But my brain and body are in agreement: it's all just a bit too much effort. So I'll just sit here. Staring at a computer screen. Occasionally risking overtasking myself with a mouse-click.


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