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Friday, February 18, 2005

Well I never...

Shamelessly nicked from Word magazine - Angelo Badalamenti, composer of all those fabby David Lynch soundtracks, on Paul McCartney:
He told me that he was once invited to perform at the Queen's birthday party at Buckingham Palace. He was about to go on stage when the Queen walked over to him and said: "Mr McCartney, it was so lovely to see you tonight." He said: "Thank you, Your Highness, and now I'm going to sing for you for your birthday." She replied: "Oh, I can't stay, Mr McCartney, because it's five minutes off eight and I must go upstairs and watch Twin Peaks." Paul punched me hard on the arm and said: "Because of your show, you bastard."

I so hope that's true...


vonhiggins said...

It was McCartney's modesty that won Badalamenti?

Darren said...

I doubt it was true. Sir Paul knows enough to address the Queen as "Your Majesty", not "Your Highness".

Now, all those quotes attributed to Winston Churchill (Now we're just haggling over price, Madam you are ugly but tomorrow I shall be sober, etc)--I hope *they're* true!!!