So Celebrity Big Brother is back, and after a monumental amount of last-minute line-up changes and rumours, the group actually entering the house seem to have great potential.
While there are of course the usual selection of ex-soap actors and models (that's you bland pretty-boy Jeremy Edwards and vacuous Caprice) to keep the tabloids in pictures, some of the other choices show a vague hint of inspiration.
We have deerstalker-clad racing pundit John McCririck as the irritant factor, already winding up the other housemates with his outspoken sexism and general offensiveness (and causing anyone unlucky enough to see him semi-naked to retch in horror). The Great British Public is seemingly becoming more vindictive towards our celebrity chums, as hysterical phobic Natalie Slapperton could no doubt verify, so if he keeps annoying them, he may just last a while.
We also have the promise of general insanity (and of course nudity) from Brigitte Neilson, although it has to be said that so far she actually seems to be reasonably well-balanced. It can't possibly last, I'm sure she'll unleash her own unique brand of nutterdom within a few days.
For the ageing music lovers, we have Dodgily-Dancing Icon of a Generation, Bez, a man unfortunate enough to have Shaun Ryder and mad Rowetta from X Factor as his friends. How he'll last two weeks without chemical assistance is anyone's guess.
And for the more intelligent viewer, we have the wonderful, bolshy, outspoken icon that is Germaine Greer. Quite why she's doing this is anyone's guess (this may be the only time when someone could genuinely say they're in Big Brother just for the experience), but I for one am really glad that she is. I've always been an admirer, she's an example to women everywhere (and men, for that matter) of what they can be, running to her own agenda regardless of what society may expect of her.
Let me see, who else is there?
Kenzie - small child from Blazin Squad, seems quite sweet so far, a youngster in a world of scary adults, but coping quite well.
Lisa I'Anson - is that the sound of a barrel being scraped? I'm old enough to remember her being incompetent on radio one, and she seems to have spent the intervening years mainly eating cakes. I assume she was a last minute booking, it's not like she'd have had anything else on after all.
My predicted winner - Jeremy Edwards: safe, inoffensive, easy on the eye, boring - a winning formula in this kind of show unfortunately.
Go Germaine!