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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Two down...

So that's Ingmar Bergman and Michelangelo Antonioni both gone in one day.

This piece here is s little harsh on Antonioni's later work:
Moreover, when he made a belated return to film-making in 1995, the result proved faintly embarrassing. Stuffed full of earnest voice-overs and toe-curling sex scenes, Beyond the Clouds was the cinematic equivalent of an old man reading poetry to a young woman while simultaneously using his stick to lift up her skirt. No doubt this was a film that came from the heart (or someplace near it), but it notably lacked the poise and confidence of his earlier work.
Well I rather liked it. And there's some gorgeous imagery contained therein. So there.

Still it's more for the "events on my birthday through the years" file. And highly preferable to a certain football team cheating their way to a World Cup win. Pretty much anything is better than that.

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