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Friday, May 25, 2007

You know you've been watching too much Peep Show when... begin to hear your own internal monologues in the voice of Robert Webb. That's insanitywang!

In backwater media news, my local twice-weekly paper has a special "cute kids" 8-page supplement in today's edition. I'm not sure what's more surprising about this: that the age-old "beautiful baby" contest is apparently alive and well in the 21st century; that there isn't an outraged campaign by some local nutjob or other against the publication of a "paedophile's shopping list" (that I know of, anyway. Maybe I should start one. Won't somebody think of the children (but not in that way)?); or that the circulation is so low that guaranteed sales to the doting relatives of the 127 brats featured makes this a worthwhile endeavour. Actually, I can believe that one quite easily, come to think of it.

There was also a letter in the ever-fascinating "Write to reply" section that confused me somewhat. Maybe you can decipher it, dear reader

Dear Editor, - Michael Gallagher (PA, May 18) suggests that God may know what happens to the waste councils send to China.
With his green credentials, one tends to think he may prefer a female deity to invoke.
Let's hope this female deity helps us solve our planet's problems.
Name and addressed supplied

The correspondent is replying to a letter claiming that there was no point in utilising the local council's recycling facilities as some waste is shipped to China for processing - there's another reply from a councillor refuting the claims. Quite what the author is trying to say, though, is anyone's guess. I think it's attempting to be an insult, but the delivery is so garbled I really can't be sure. It no doubt sounded great in the author's head. Can't hear Robert Webb saying it though...

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